Eating practices among low-income overweight /obese Brazilian mothers: a Bourdieusian approach

Priscila de Morais Sato, Mariana Dimitrov Ulian, Ramiro Fernandez Unsain, Fernanda Baeza Scagliusi


We investigated the eating practices of socially vulnerable overweight and obese Brazilian mothers, exploring the relationships between eating practices, capitals, fields and excess-weight. We conducted a qualitative study involving in-depth interviews of 21 women living in three vulnerable urban regions. Content analyses were performed and codes were used to locate actors in relation to each other in terms of ‘capitals’ and ‘fields’, forming a typology based on Bourdieu’s theory with five groups. Socioeconomic conditions during childhood and liking to cook were the main characteristics related to each group’s distinct eating practices. While socioeconomic conditions during childhood were related to region of origin and food tastes, liking to cook worked as a type of cultural capital, called culinary capital, which produced pleasure and status. For each pattern of eating practices, different factors seemed to contribute to participants’ excess weight, including liked foods, enjoying cooking, and financial constraints. One group combined a highly vulnerable economic situation and health problems, shedding light onto a habitus that demands special attention from public health studies and interventions. This study illustrates the complexity of practices within a seemingly homogeneous group and reinforces that health studies should not assume homogeneity within a group of overweight/obese low-income women.